Frontend development

This documentation describe how to configure then start caliopen using docker.


cd devtools

Start and stop Caliopen

Start latest release of Caliopen


Then open http://localhost:4000/

Start Caliopen and live build frontend

Probably the most used command for frontend development

./ -d frontend

# watch the status of the build:
docker-compose logs -f --tail=100 frontend_dev

Then start hack into src/frontend/web_application/.

Then open or refresh http://localhost:4000/.

Stop Caliopen


Cleanup Caliopen data and containers



The rest of this documentation describes how to start the backend in docker container and the frontend in a native way.

Setup the docker_compose stack

you need to have docker and docker compose installed on your machine.

Services available in the docker compose stack are:

You can start storage services using these commands:

cd devtools
docker-compose pull
docker-compose up -d redis cassandra elasticsearch

(wait few seconds for cassandra to warm-up)

Using caliopen cli tool:

cd devtools
docker-compose run cli setup
docker-compose run cli create_user -e admin -p 123456
docker-compose run cli create_user -e dev -p 123456
docker-compose run cli import -e dev@caliopen.local -f mbox -p devtools/fixtures/mbox/dev@caliopen.local

NB : data are persisted after containers are stopped, even after being destroyed.

Finally start the stack

docker-compose up -d frontend lmtpd apiv2 apiv1

NB : for now, outgoing emails are caught by a local smtp server for testing purpose.

You will have a Caliopen instance filled with data, accessible from your browser on localhost:4000. You could check outgoing emails by pointing your browser at localhost:8888.

Remote identities poller and workers

To automatically fetch emails from remote IMAP accounts you need to :

  1. launch identityworker
  2. create a remote identity for user dev
  3. launch identitypoller
1. launch imap_worker

docker-compose up -d identity_worker

2. create a remote identity for user dev:

docker-compose run --no-deps --entrypoint imapctl identity_worker addremote -l '' -p 'your_secret_password' -s '' -u 'dev'

3. launch ids_poller

docker-compose up -d identity_poller

ids_poller will retrieve remote identities from cassandra and schedule fetching jobs accordingly on a regularly basis. You can add more remote identities later, they will be retrieve by ids_poller as well.

Start frontend natively


Then develop locally using your normal practices:

cd src/frontend/web_application
yarn install
npm start

It's a bit long to compile. The first time you will see some errors about a missing file, it will be fixed at the end of the compilation.

Rebuild a container

In case the image of a service (api or apiv1 ...) is not up-to-date, you mmight need to rebuild a container.

Replace "api" by the service you want to rebuild

docker-compose build api
docker-compose stop api
docker-compose up -d api

Fresh install

To reset containers and data:

docker-compose stop

# remove containers :
docker-compose rm

# remove volumes created by containers :
docker volume rm devtools_db devtools_index devtools_store


elasticsearch won't start:

According to this issue, you might solve it with this command on the host:

sysctl -w vm.max_map_count=262144

# make it permanent:
echo "vm.max_map_count = 262144" > sudo tee /etc/sysctl.d/vm.caliopen.conf

frontend does not build

The following error may appears:

Module build failed: Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, scandir '/.../CaliOpen/Caliopen/src/frontend/web_application/node_modules/node-sass/vendor

It is related to node-sass installation. To fix the easiest way is to remove node_modules then reinstall with yarn:

(cd src/frontend/web_application/ && rm -r node_modules && yarn)

or rebuild node-sass:

npm rebuild node-sass

docker container can't build or start

The following error can appear when docker is not run as root:

Building api ERROR: Couldn't connect to Docker daemon at http+docker://localunixsocket - is it running?

It is mostly due to minio server which updates its config file without asking.

You need to change the owner of the file (please don't commit) until we find a solution.

sudo chown $USER: src/backend/configs/minio/config.json

As described here, the config is automatically migrated and we can't use environment variables yet.