Caliopen IMAP binaries

2 programs to handle IMAP related operations : - imapworker : daemon that listen to NATS orders to fetch/sync remote accounts.
Must be launched with the rest of Caliopen's stack. - imapctl : cli for on-demand IMAP operations and/or remote identities operations.


A daemon to launch before requesting any IMAP operations.
It needs a config file. A default one is at src/backend/configs/imapworker.yaml


imapworker's dependencies will be installed with Caliopen's stack. If you checked-out feature/worker/imap-fetcher into your current stack, run govendor sync to ensure all required dependencies.


cd src/backend/protocols/go.imap/cmd/imapworker
go run main.go start
# if binary has been build :
imapworker start


go build


Start imapworker once with the rest of the stack and keep it running as a daemon. If you need help : go run main.go or imapworker without any command will prompt available commands and flags.


imapctl is a CLI to do on-demand operations.
For now it has three available commands : - fullfetch : to fetch all mails from a remote IMAP mailbox into user account, without any synchronization and without keeping last state sync. - addremote : to create a new remote identity in db - syncremote : to sync emails for a remote identitiy.

NB : fullfetch and syncremote commands need imapworker to run in background to work properly.
imapctl needs the same config file as imapworker's one.


imapctl's dependencies will be installed with Caliopen's stack. If you checked-out feature/worker/imap-fetcher into your current stack, run govendor sync to ensure all required dependencies.


cd src/backend/protocols/go.imap/cmd/imapctl
go run main.go [command] [flags]
# if binary has been build :
imapctl [command] [flags]


go build


Invoke imapctl without any command or flags to print help message.

examples :

shell imapctl fullfetch --login 'account@provider.tld' --pass 'your_imap_password' --server 'remote.server.address:port' --mailbox 'box_name' --userid xxxxx-local-user-id-xxxxx

--mailbox flag is optionnal, default is INBOX

shell imapctl addremote --login 'account@provider.tld' --pass 'your_imap_password' --server 'remote.server.address:port' --userid xxxxx-local-user-id-xxxxx

if you omit --password, you'll need to give it to imapctl syncremote at each invocation.

For now, default mailbox is INBOX

Add as many remote identities as needed.

shell imapctl syncremote --userid xxxxx-local-user-id-xxxxx --identifier 'account@provider.tld'

impactl syncremote will make sync operations and quit.

Relaunch it each time you want to sync or add the command to your cron.


A daemon that loads remote identities from cassandra and schedule jobs accordingly. It needs a config file. A default one is at src/backend/configs/idpoller.yaml

how it works :

idpoller periodically finds 'active' remote identities in cassandra and schedule jobs accordingly in an internal cron table. "Jobs" consist of sending messages on nats queue to trigger imapworker actions.

How often idpoller scans remote identity table in cassandra is define within configuration file in 'scan_interval' setting. Default is 15 minutes.

idpoller schedules a recurring job for each 'active' remote identity according to the infos.pollinterval value in remote_identity table. Default to 15 minutes if the value is missing.

NB : idpoller schedules the sending of messages on nats queue. If no subscriber listen to the queue, no action will be triggered.


idpoller's dependencies will be installed with Caliopen's stack. If you checked-out feature/worker/imap-poller into your current stack, run govendor sync to ensure all required dependencies.


cd src/backend/workers/go.remoteIDs/cmd/idpoller
go run main.go start
# if binary has been build :
idpoller start


go build


Start idpoller once with the rest of the stack and keep it running as a daemon. If you need help : go run main.go or idpoller without any command will prompt available commands and flags.