Caliopen « Patch » RFC


This specification defines the format of the JSON body that should be sent to the REST API to update a resource with the PATCH verb.


This specification extends RFC 7396 by adding a current_state field to the JSON patch object.

Json patch object specification

The JSON should indicate the fields to be changed, with the desired value for these fields, as describe in RFC 7396
a field called current_state.
current_state is an object that describes the values of the fields as seen by the client, before the patch application.

Examples :

Given the following document (client side) :

  "family_name": "Name",
  "user_id": "6d401236-99a8-4088-9ceb-4b6391482c4c",
  "title": "Old Title",
  "deleted": false,
  "privacy_index": 15,
  "contact_id": "d080232b-8ce2-49e0-bd7e-262ccf82a9d4",
  "date_insert": "2016-12-14T13:39:04.111000+00:00",
  "given_name": "",
  "emails": [
      "email_id": "998ef52d-f3ba-4c8e-959e-0614ed80c255",
      "is_primary": false,
      "type": "work",
      "address": "old@domain.tld""
  "avatar": "avatar.png"

To change the email address and the title, send the JSON below with PATCH verb on route /contacts/{contact_id} :

  "title": "New Title",
  "emails": [
    {"address": "new@domain.tld", "type": "home"}
  "current_state": {
    "title": "Old Title",
    "emails": [
          "email_id": "998ef52d-f3ba-4c8e-959e-0614ed80c255",
          "is_primary": false,
          "type": "work",
          "address": "old@domain.tld""

To add an email address to a contact that does not have any email, they are two options : either put nothing within current_state or put an empty array :

  "emails": [
    {"address": "local@domain.tld"}
  "current_state": {
    "emails": []
  "emails": [
    {"address": "local@domain.tld"}
  "current_state": {}