
Things to do for a new release...

1. Prepare

bash cd devtools # or you can use `` virtualenv --python=python2.7 ./.venv source .venv/bin/activate pip install -r ./manage_package-requirements.txt ./manage_package --help # change in the following the package name you want (refer to packages.yaml e.g "client", etc. or all) and the version ./manage_package --conf ./packages.yaml create_version all 0.18.1 deactivate

2. Build images & Publish


# checkout the tag you need to build
git checkout release-X.Y.Z

cd devtools

# Make sure having credential for registry access
cp registry.conf.template registry.conf
vi registry.conf

# Note: It's excluded from git objects in .gitignore file.

# Define environment variable for version to deploy

Build and publish

This will build the container related to the given application and publish it on the docker images registry using 2 tags:

cd devtools
make master APP_NAME=<name of app to deploy>

3. Deploy

cf. Deploy Kubernetes

4. Communicate

cf. Communication